Northern Crossing – Peter B. Yeomans Cultural Centre
An exhibition in virtual mode
30 November 2020 – 18 January 2021
Official event page
While the installation of the exhibition Northern Crossing at the Peter B. Yeomans Cultural Centre proceeded normally, due to the Legault government's decision to close museums and exhibition halls during the pandemic, the City of Dorval is offering the public a 360º virtual tour accompanied by a presentation video.
I would like to express my gratitude to Sara Giguère and Karine Lacoursière who do a wonderful job at the Peter B. Yeomans Cultural Centre. I would also like to thank the City of Dorval for giving the green light to the project of creating a digital version of the exhibition. The experience is certainly not the same for the visitor, but in the current context, I feel it is important to underline the efforts that are being made to support artists and to find alternatives to the inept closures of cultural institutions.
A word about these absurd venue closures
While I understand the seriousness and complexity of an unprecedented health situation, I am saddened by the Legault government's absurd decision to ban access to museums and exhibition centers. After all, these are places that do not attract crowds, where the 2 meters rule is so easy to obey, where there is nothing to touch. The incoherence of the decree suggests that arbitrariness has intruded into an imperative to act, at all costs. However, rather than preserving public health, these closures only deprive the population of a beneficial access to the arts and accentuate the precariousness of many artists. The president of the Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels, Moridja Kitenge Banza, in a message addressed to members on September 30, announced that he was taking steps with the ministry to make our voices heard. Unfortunately, the government continues to turn a deaf ear...